1. What types of animal activities require IACUC review and approval?
Any use of live vertebrate animals requires IACUC approval before the start of the project. The use of invertebrates for scientific purposes (research, testing, or teaching) does not require USM IACUC assessment.
2. Who can be a Principal Investigator on an IACUC application?
The principal investigator (PI) must be an employee of Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM).
3. When do I need to apply for USM IACUC Animal Ethics Approval? What if I already have ethics approval from another IACUC?
USM IACUC Animal Ethics Approval is required under the following conditions:
- The Principal investigator (PI) is affiliated with USM.
- Research, testing, or teaching involving animals is conducted within USM (Non-USM postgraduate students must obtain ethics approval from their registered institution/university before applying to USM IACUC).
- The funding is from USM
- The researcher is a USM student (undergraduate and postgraduate), even if the study is conducted outside of USM.
If you already obtained animal ethics approval from another IACUC, you must still apply to USM IACUC. You need to include the animal ethics approval from the other IACUC with application.
4. If the project will be conducted outside Malaysia, do I need USM IACUC approval?
Yes. Please refer to the “Guideline for Projects Conducted Outside of Malaysia” under the Policy and Guidelines tab.
5. Who should be listed on the USM IACUC application form?
Everyone involved in the project who comes into contact with live animals, including the PI, co-investigators, students (undergraduate and postgraduate), and employed personnel (e.g., Research Officers, Research Assistants).
6. Can I house animals in the laboratory?
Animal must be housed at the Animal Research and Service Centre (ARASC) or Seksyen Penyelidikan Haiwan (SPH), IPPT.
7. Can I acquire animals from outside USM?
Researchers should obtain animals from ARASC. However, if ARASC & SPH cannot supply the animals, external sources may be used after consultation with ARASC to confirm the supplier’s suitability. Animals can only be sourced from ARASC’s approved supplier list.
8. What is the acceptable dropout rate for animal studies?
The acceptable dropout rate is 10%.
9. Do animals require environmental enrichment?
Yes, environmental enrichment is mandatory for animals housed singly. Examples of environmental enrichment include tunnels for hiding or balls for rolling. Additional forms of enrichment can be discussed with ARASC staff.
10. How often does the IACUC meet?
USM IACUC meets 5 - 6 times per year. Upcoming meeting dates are announced on the USM IACUC website and via USM email.
11. What is the deadline for submitting an IACUC application for review?
An application can be submitted anytime, but only complete hardcopy of application form received before the deadline (as stated on the USM IACUC website) will be reviewed in the next meeting. Late submissions will be reviewed at the subsequent meeting. Researchers may submit a soft copy to the secretariat to ensure completeness before submitting the hard copy.
12. How soon after the meeting will I receive feedback from the IACUC?
The IACUC Secretariat will provide feedback (e.g., corrections, clarifications, or approval) within 2 weeks after the meeting.
13. Do I need IACUC approval for a pilot study?
Yes. Pilot studies are integral to the overall project and should be assessed by the IACUC using standard approval criteria.
14. What are the responsibilities of a Principal Investigator?
Refer to MYCODE (7.0 Responsibilities of Investigators, page 22) for a comprehensive list.
Principal Investigators inexperienced in relevant procedures or studies should consult experienced scientists, veterinarians, or specialist to help in preparing proposals and before starting their project. The IACUC may require evidence of such consultations.
Additionally, principal investigators must secure all necessary permits and provide them to USM IACUC.
15. Can animals be used repeatedly in studies?
Individual animals must not be used in more than one scientific experiment without IACUC approval.
16. Do teaching activities involving animals require IACUC approval?
Yes, teaching proposals involving animals must be approved by the IACUC and comply with relevant legislation and institutional requirements. Animals should only be used when alternative methods (e.g., audio-visual aids) cannot achieve the teaching objectives. For example: calculating of LD50 values.
17. Can I use animals for toxicology studies?
Non-animal alternatives test, if available and suitable, should be used. Refer to “Non-Animal Alternatives for Safety (Toxicity) Assessment” under the Policy and Guidelines tab.
18. Can I make changes to an approved study protocol?
All changes, including personnel updates, animal numbers, or animal source and location, must be reviewed and approved by USM IACUC.
Approval from ARASC is required for changes to animal source/supplier before IACUC approval.
19. Can I obtain animals before receiving ethics approval?
No, researchers are not allowed to obtain animals without ethics approval. However, to reduce the waiting period, animals can be booked in advance upon submission of the IACUC application. The IACUC Secretariat will issued a signed receipt of the application’s front page for booking purposes.